
You can man­age con­fig­u­ra­tion set­tings through the Con­trol Pan­el by vis­it­ing Set­tings → Fulfillments.

Ful­filled Order Status

Choose the order sta­tus that will be set when an order is ful­filled, or blank to not auto­mat­i­cal­ly set the status.

Par­tial­ly Ful­filled Order Status

Choose the order sta­tus that will be set when an order is par­tial­ly ful­filled, or blank to not auto­mat­i­cal­ly set the status.

Resend Par­tial­ly Ful­filled Sta­tus Emails

Enable this option to resend the order sta­tus email for par­tial ful­fill­ments when the order sta­tus is already par­tial­ly ful­filled. By default Craft Com­merce does not send order sta­tus emails again if the sta­tus does not change.