
You can install the Ful­fill­ments plu­g­in via the plu­g­in store, or via Composer.

Craft Plu­g­in Store

To install the Ful­fill­ments plu­g­in via the plu­g­in store, nav­i­gate to the Plu­g­in Store with­in your site’s CMS, and search for Ful­fill­ments”. Click the Try but­ton to install the plugin.


To install the plu­g­in using Composer:

  1. Open a ter­mi­nal win­dow and cd to your project root.
    cd ~/your-project-path
  2. Install the plu­g­in with Com­pos­er.
    composer require tasdev-au/craft-fulfillments
  3. In the CMS Con­trol Pan­el, go to Set­tings → Plu­g­ins and click the Install” but­ton for Order Fulfillments.


You can use this plu­g­in with no lim­i­ta­tions dur­ing devel­op­ment. Once your site has been deployed to your pro­duc­tion envi­ron­ment, a license is required to be pur­chased in order to use the plugin.


  • Craft CMS 3.1 or greater
  • Craft Com­merce 2.1 or greater
  • PHP 7.0 or greater